Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. Hamilton Wright Mabie

Have we thought about what life would be like without Christmas? The lights, the merriment, getting together with family, and the hope and good tidings Christmas brings? Is it a surprise that at the darkest time of the year, we have something to celebrate that brings a smile to our faces, hope in our hearts, and brings out the best in people?

We had our book club Christmas dinner on Tuesday and we were talking about how hard it might be to live a life without faith. If we felt truly alone in the world and didn’t feel there was a force to lean on, uplift us, and give us hope when all seemed hopeless, how would we manage?

If we are fortunate enough to have faith in a higher power, ourselves, our family, the economy, and the future, how can we share that belief with those who don’t have faith? There is a lot of doom and gloom for people to contend with and everyone is not living in peace and plenty.

How do people face this Christmas with joy if their mortgage is being renewed in February? The bill to buy groceries is getting higher and higher for less and less. We know hard times make strong people, but we also know some break under the weight or come close to breaking.

We have never had access to so much information on how to live a good life, how to save and invest for prosperity, how to build strong relationships, and how to live the good life, and yet mental health has never been poorer for many people. Is part of our problem that we see what we want to see and when we look at the same things, some see hope and opportunity, and others see lack and all the things that will hold them back? How do we shift our vision or someone else’s?

Poverty, meaning lack of money is terrible, but poverty of spirit is something money can’t fix, and is the spirit of Christmas the antidote, but it can’t be only at Christmas? We have to keep a spirit of hope alive the whole year through. Hope that life will be better when… Hope that relationships can be healed. Hope that we can get through the winter to spring. That in spring we can plant a harvest we will reap in the fall so next winter is not so hard.

The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you. John Greenleaf Whittier

Hope that we will manage the hard times to get to better times. Hope, that our family will thrive and prosper, not just this generation but through the generations. Hope, that if we practice the principles that lead to a good life, they truly will lead to that good life for us and our family. Hope that enmity between people will be healed. Hope the future will be better than the past. This is a hard one for those of us who have fewer years ahead of us than behind us, and who have lived wonderful lives with privileges and advantages. Privileges and advantages we got largely because of who we were born to and when we were born.

If we live our lives right our children and grandchildren can be privileged and advantaged because they are part of our family. We are leaving a legacy behind and if it is one of hope, joy, gratitude, and faith then we are doing our part. Money can be won and lost in a generation, but putting our faith in money is the worst place to put it. It might be where the hopelessness comes from, because without money we feel like nothing, and with it, we feel empty and alone.

Finding meaning and purpose in life is about more than money. Money has its place and is important as long as we keep it in perspective and don’t expect more from having money than it can bring. Money can build and heat a home but not fill it with a family that loves and respects us. It can fill our bellies but not our hearts. It gives security but not joy, and if we don’t have someone to share our money with, we may look at everyone who looks at us as if they only want us for our money. It is a great servant but a terrible master.

Wishing you all the joy that Christmas brings filled with what matters in life. May hope, peace and joy be yours this Christmas and always as we move from this year into the next. We won’t find the magic of Christmas under the tree but our hearts can be filled with joy, and goodwill to all. Merry Christmas!

The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other’s burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas. William Carey Jones

I truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world. Norman Vincent Peale

There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward. Khalil Gibran

Thank you for reading this post. Please come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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