Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. Unknown
It’s almost Christmas, and the hustle and bustle are in full swing. We are picking up last-minute items and making our menu choices. We could have done things earlier – my daughter and I were printing photos last night at Walmart. Every working kiosk was full and the line to pay was long. We didn’t need to wait this long, but we did.
We were late getting everything done so we picked up a roast chicken and salad for dinner. After dinner, my husband put on a Christmas movie and by the time it was over so was the evening. The other night was dinner with the book club, an evening full of laughs, and on Saturday if the weather holds out we’ll finally celebrate our nephew’s 50th birthday in person – two years late.
Our Grandson’s first Christmas he won’t remember but it will be a treasured memory for us. Last night he was big enough to sit in the cart propped up by our purses and he loved it, letting everyone know with his shrieks and giggles. While waiting in line he was playing with the lady behind us. He’d look at her and giggle, look away, and then back again. Babies are such fun to watch and be around. They really do make every day a happy day.
We’ll have the week off between Christmas and New Year for rest and relaxation. I hope to get some writing and painting in, the deadline to publish the next children’s book of February 7th is looming large. It seemed like it was a lot of time when I set the date.
Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. Ruth Carter Stapleton
Living, loving, giving, and laughing is the theme for Christmas. How fortunate we are when family and friends surround us. If we can enjoy the gift of togetherness, reach out and touch someone we love. There are people we used to spend Christmas with that find it too much for them now. They weren’t well enough to attend our son’s wedding and they haven’t met our grandson. We need to make an effort to see them for a short visit.
Phone calls, emails, and texts have replaced Christmas cards for most people. The important thing is we are in contact with those we love and if we aren’t perhaps that is a change we can make in the New Year.
This is a time of year to reflect on what is going right in our lives and what we would like to change. What would we like more of, and what we would like less of? What goals will we set, disciplines will we practice, and creativity will we bring into our lives? How can the year ahead be better than the year almost behind us?
Do we have a word we can focus on that would sum up the hopes and dreams we have for the coming year? This year my focus word has been ‘grateful’, and what a year it’s been with a baby, a wedding, and getting out to see Mom, family, and friends.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year.
Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. Unknown
Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand. Dr. Seuss
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. Janice Maeditere
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