Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world. Oprah Winfrey

Last Friday we watched our first online wedding. My daughter and I dropped my son off at the Bride’s house. His fiancé is the Bride’s sister. We popped in for a moment said hi to everyone and got to see the Bride in her dress. Everyone’s makeup and hair looked amazing and I started rethinking my decision not to have my hair and makeup done the day of my son’s wedding.

Speaking to my son’s fiancé yesterday, I said, “Your mom looked amazing.”

“She didn’t like the hair and makeup and went home and redid it herself.” That is my big fear too. I won’t like what they’ve done and will try to redo it to my satisfaction.

I’m not sure what the etiquette is for popping into the bride’s house to say hi. Popping back out wasn’t so easy. You have to have something to eat. You have to wait to see the dress. We did both.

It is lovely to see the hope and joy on a couple’s face as they take their vows. So many couples have postponed weddings; some are going ahead with the wedding but postponing the reception. We need couples willing to take a chance on each other to become the next generation of mothers, fathers, and builders of society.

Time is flying by and we notice it by the stages our children are going through more than through our own. We think there will be time for all the things we want to do, the places we want to go, the things we want to see and accomplish. Our mortality is staring us in the face.

If your life is cloudy and you’re far off course, you may have to go on faith for a while, but eventually you’ll learn that every time you trust your internal navigation system, you end up closer to your right life. Martha Beck

It’s time for difficult conversations as we realize the choices are up to us. What do we still want to see, do, and be? Do both members of a couple want the same out of the next stage of their life? Is this why we see so many grey divorces? There is only so much time even if we get the maximum.

For our thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, we were talking about going to England and seeing parts of Europe. My friend and I were joking I was planning on backpacking across Europe after school and I haven’t made it over there yet. Something always comes up. It was, I’d like to do, but obviously, it wasn’t a priority, or I would have made it happen.

We need to be careful about letting too much of our life be, we’ll get to that someday. We run out of some days and next years. Things we thought we would accomplish aren’t accomplished. Life is a feat of management and those who manage the best do the best. There is also a lot of luck involved in many of our lives but it is also true that the harder we work the luckier we get. We can’t be waiting for our ships to come in when we didn’t put any ships out to sea.

It is always a good time to take stock of our lives but when we see new couples taking the vows to start theirs, is a time to look at our own life. How can we tweak our life, or do we need to set a new course? Is it time for a life renovation? Is it time to build something new while we still can? Bring a dream to fruition, learn something we’ve always wanted to learn, do something we’ve always wanted to do, or become someone we’ve always wanted to become? Our life is calling, will we answer?

At the end of the day all that really matters is that your loved ones are well, you’ve done your best, and that you’re thankful for all you have. Unknown

I’ve come to understand one’s calling as a combination of desire, passion, and ability. Unknown

Be the kind of person who dares to face life’s challenges and overcome them rather than dodging them. Roy T. Bennett

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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