Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Seize every second of your life and savor it. Value your present moments. Wayne Dyer

Can’t we all find something else to do when we know what we should do? My son asked me how much time was I wasting on creating a cover for the novel I’m editing? “You’re a writer, not a cover designer,” he says. “You could outsource that to people and some of them will do a lot for an opportunity to showcase their work.”

I know he has a point and I need to wrestle with the fact I might be cheap and a control freak. I have a lot to get done and one thing that is working for me is setting little deadlines. I’m going out to visit Mom and I want to have this round of editing done so I can give my novel to beta readers. I also want to have a concept of my children’s book complete.

A big goal is great, taking that big goal, breaking it down into small goals, and meeting the small goals means we will meet the big goal. Even if we don’t quite meet that goal we will be closer. We each need to find systems that work to help us make and meet our goals. First, we have to decide on what our goal is. Something I wrestled with for years. Why couldn’t I just say this is what I want to do and get on with doing it? It seems I could, and I have, but it took me a long time.

We might beat ourselves up because we aren’t a big success yet. We may have things we long to do but can’t get started because what if we fail? What is a failure, if not a learning experience? When I look at the information on writers, most writers don’t start getting much of a readership until they have a few books published. Most writers need a day job or a spouse that can support them. It may seem to some that they should be able to make a living from their writing, art, or music and they are selling out by not putting all of their energy into their music, art, or writing.

I think having a well-rounded life and our music, art, writing, or whatever creative endeavor feeds our soul is a laudable goal. We are teaching our children they can go after their dreams. Being the tortured soul for my art has never appealed to me. I love having a family, a house to bring them up in, security, choices, and my art and writing.

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. Unknown

In many ways, I might have it all. Not fame, not fortune, but a genuine great life. A reallionaire, with a well-rounded life, opportunities, and choices. Isn’t that what we want? Isn’t that what a rich life is? At my age, I still have mountains to climb, pinnacles to reach, and hopefully grandchildren to love.

When we are surrounded by the love of family, enjoy the work that we do, and the people we interact with. If we love where we live and can see and do the things we set out to see and do. What would we trade for a few more zeroes in our bank balance even if we are working hard to get those zeroes?

Working towards our goals is one of the joys in life. Always having a goal to work toward keeps us motivated and alive. Knowing we have done what we needed to do to take care of our families, and give opportunities to our children is also what makes us proud of our life. If we can make the best of each season of our lives, the best for us and those we love it seems to me that is a successful life.

We may think we are just a cog in a wheel. Cogs are important and everything breaks down when we don’t do our part in our family, community, country, and world. Jordan Peterson tells us to pick up a load, and when we pick it up to carry it. When we got married we picked up a load, when we had children we picked up a load. Children are our most important load and when we get them to adulthood we can take that load off our back. This may free us to pursue dreams and ambitions we set aside during the heavy lifting years of parenthood.

This is when we may become creative and aspire to new things. Our third act may look completely different as we are no longer fettered by responsibility. We’ve earned the freedom to live life on our own terms. Do our own thing. Could it be that even at this age it is possible to believe the best is yet to come?

They say grandchildren are more fun than our own children. Creativity feeds our soul and we now have time to be creative. We now have time to join groups of like-minded people. We now have time to read books. The later years in a marriage are said to be some of the most satisfying. Some of the happiest people in the world are older.

Life is great in every decade. We have to make the most of where we are, enjoy the moments, and savor the beauty and bounty of life.

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. Eckhart Tolle

The universe provides abundantly when you’re in a state of gratitude. Wayne Dyer

I started out giving thanks for small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. Oprah Winfrey

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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