Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Vince Lombardi
What can one bumblebee do? They do their part. Yesterday, sitting out on the patio with my daughter and husband I watched a bumblebee busily buzzing among the pink and white Weigela flowers. Looking at a bumblebee I marvel at how it can fly. There are many things in life we see and wonder how can that be?
Often it seems we are control freaks we want to control what visits our garden. We are happy to see bumblebees but not hornets. We like certain birds and cute rodents but nature is not in our control.
My son tells me about the benefits of dandelions to our soil. Some of the plants we don’t like create soil conditions for plants we do like to flourish. This may be the same in other parts of our life. We don’t like the hard parts of life that create us into who we become. The obstacles, challenges, and problems we face help us grow and develop.
It is important to find a place where you feel trust, you feel belonging, and stability. Bojan Krkic
We don’t know what other people are dealing with just by looking at them. We don’t see their struggles, what they have overcome, or what they may be working to overcome. Taking an art course over zoom is turning out to be a wonderful experience. I now ask myself why I hesitated when given the opportunity. We think we don’t have time and if we don’t make time for things in our life we don’t know what experiences we are missing, who we are not meeting that would bring something into our life. We don’t know what would be the spin-off from that experience.
Joining groups is one way to add to our lives. We meet new people, exchange ideas, and learn new things. In groups, we share our stories and learn from others. I am meeting people in this art class I’ve met through Toastmasters. We’ve lived here for decades and it is only now I am getting involved in the community. We can be too involved in the community and neglect our family. As I am becoming more connected to the community my life is expanding. My horizons are opening up, and opportunities are presenting themselves. A Toastmaster I met over thirty years ago has reached out to me and asked me to come and speak to his club. On zoom, it is easy to go into the den, turn on the computer, and voila I am with his club.
We don’t know where life will take us, who we will meet, or what opportunities we will be offered. Maybe we need to say yes to life more often. Yes, I would love to… We need to keep a balance in our life so we aren’t stretched too thin and husbands or wives feel left out. When we get energized by outside activities and meeting new people do we bring that energy back to our relationship? How do we keep our spouse from feeling they are left out of important areas of our lives? How do we balance this? Are we like the bumblebee doing our part?
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life. Amy Poehler
Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this and adopt this definition, success is yours. Kelly Kim
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. Margaret J. Wheatley
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I love your group dynamics article Belynda. Success can be achieve alone, but greater success is achieved through groups! Joining a group is like spicing up our existence with diverse, interesting and professional experience. Good job!!