Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
Whatever the question, love is the answer. Wayne Dyer
This morning instead of turning off my alarm first, I jumped out of bed and then turned off my alarm. That simple act changes everything. Instead of telling myself I’ll just lay in bed a little longer I’m up. I had time to write in my journal and read.
My morning reading is from Brendon Burchard’s The Motivation Manifesto and it is on the enemy within. He says it is impossible to fight an unknown enemy so we must name our enemies. The first enemy he names “Defiance” which he says is an ugly three-headed serpent. Defiance makes us feel weak and distrustful so that we stop taking action or connecting with others. We all face this beast any time we set goals for ourselves, as it gnaws at us tearing at our confidence and consuming us from the inside leaving us gutless and fearful. Defiance is activated when we favor doubt over faith, favor delay over action, and when we choose division over love.
When we think we aren’t good enough. When we are scared to go after what we want. When we think there isn’t enough to go around. We can acknowledge these feelings are not of our highest character and if we don’t feed these thoughts, they will weaken. We can find better thoughts to think. As we control our thoughts we will reach more of our potential.
In order to defeat defiance, we must understand the defining characteristics of each of its nasty heads. Let us name the first nasty head “Doubt”. When we want to do anything new, doubt raises its head. We second guess ourselves. Is it a good time? Do we have the recourses? What if we fail? What if’s, go round and round our head. What if we turn that around, and instead of doubt, we dig deep and find faith. What if it is a good time? What if we have the recourses? What if we succeed?
We develop our character only through effort, struggle, learning what works and what doesn’t work. We have the choice to choose faith over doubt. The more we choose faith the weaker doubt becomes.
The second head of deviance is “Delay”. Delay may be even more insidious because tell ourselves we will do it, we must just wait for the right time. That won’t be so bad, will it? Instead of this year, its next year, or the year after that, or even the year after that, until there are no more years to make our dreams come true.
Is there anything that has done more to make people not achieve their goals than delay?
Knowing that we haven’t spoken up when we should have, worked when we should have, fought when we should have, loved when we should have, lived when we should have – this is the misery of mankind’s inaction, of delay celebrating a win over our soul. Brendan Burchard
Would we have any heroes if when they are called to action they decided to wait?
It is our choice when we have faith, to choose action over inaction.
The third head of defiance is “Division”. When we let division rule our lives we end up alone. We become distant, intolerant, or hateful towards others. We feel we are different than others, more special, stronger, or weaker. When we refuse to feel vulnerable or loving, everyone is an idiot, insufficient, unworthy of trust or respect, then division has risen in our lives.
Division’s poison, then is antisocial venom that courses through us and clouds the innate emotional, social, and spiritual intelligence that would otherwise lead us universally to connection with others and to love. Brendan Burchard
Division is the greatest destroyer of our relationships, the breeder of social ills, and the cause of our aloofness and indifference to others.
Even if we banish doubt and delay from our lives if we do not banish division we will not find the success we desire. We must embrace love to banish division.
Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. Erich Fromm
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.
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The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power Hardcover – Oct 28 2014
by Brendon Burchard (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 49 ratings