Photo of Belynda Wilson Thomas
Photo of Belynda

Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all. Quote by Helen Keller.

Hi I’m Belynda and I’ve written a soon to be self published novel. I started in 2012 and at first I didn’t tell anyone I was writing. My son would ask me if I intended to publish it and finally I said. “I think I’d like to.” I joined Toastmasters as a way to get over my hesitance at putting myself out there.This blog is a continuation of that.

So hello world here I am. I am a wife, mother, writer, artist and I work with my husband in our home business. I have learned through writing and other creative endeavors it is in the doing not putting the creation out into the world where the magic lies. It is a journey and when we find our voice, we find our self.

With this blog I hope to continue my journey and encourage others on theirs. We all start where we are, continuing on this wonderful journey called life, and doing the best I can is my goal.  Creativity is how I feed my soul. Marriage and family is where I find meaning and purpose. Enjoying all life has to offer is where I find joy. Work is how we keep body and soul together. There is always a new up and a new down around the corner. We need to learn to surf the highs and lows of life.

I wish everyone the best as they continue on their journey. It isn’t over till it’s over, and there is always some small thing we can do to improve. It’s never too late to become our best self, the person we know we are to be. Start small, be kind to yourself. Live till you die.

Enjoy the ride!

Update: October 21, 2021

In August 2020 Secrets and Silence was published. When Can We Get A Puppy was published October 2021. I’ve learned a few things along the way.

Creativity feeds our soul, and when we find our voice we find ourselves. We don’t know what we can do until we do it, and we don’t know what something will become until it is finished. Life is a journey of self-discovery. When we complete a project we need to start a new one because it is in the creating that we find joy.

When we complete a project there is a hole where our project was and we need to start something new. The journey never ends, until it does, which it will for all of us one day, so we need to make the best of it while we can.

Nothing takes the place of family and keeping our relationships strong is important. If we want more love in our life we can get a dog because we really are at the centre of their lives, they love us unconditionally, and always have time for us.

Look on the bright side, and clouds do have silver linings if we look for them.

5 thoughts on “Belynda – about me. A journey of self discovery.

  1. Belynda I admire you so much for taking your dream and accomplishing it. And raising a beautiful family

  2. Belynda, I am so proud of you for following your dream, you’ve inspired me too try harder with my follow-thru. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. I’m not seeing the title of your novel. I’d look it up if I knew what it was called.

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