Becoming better, not bitter, is this one of the greatest challenges in life?

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Arguing isn’t communication, it’s noise. Tony Gaskin

We hear life is what we make it, but we think everything about our life can’t be what we make it, can it? I’m listening to a YouTube personality say something like, “My wife and I are getting a divorce and it’s my fault because I chose wrong.” He is being ridiculed for this but when we find we aren’t who we thought we were or someone else isn’t, shouldn’t we take full responsibility for thinking someone was something they weren’t even if that someone is us?

Would it sound better if he said, “I find to my regret I couldn’t be or at least wasn’t the person my wife needed me to be, to continue our relationship?”

How do we go through life getting better, not bitter? Is getting through the ups and downs of life without getting bitter one of our greatest challenges and if we can pull it off, one of our greatest achievements?

Online I read there are six words Brene Brown tells us we can use to stop an argument. What can they be I ask myself as I read on. “The story I’m making up is.” If I say those six words to my husband during our next argument I can see how they might stop the argument because what do you say to that? Perhaps I was expecting something profound like the gotcha statement I’m looking for that means, “Bet you can’t top this,” which is why we are quarreling in the first place. Each of us tries to prove to the other we are right, which of course makes the other person wrong, which doesn’t improve relationships.

She also tells us to delve a little deeper. What are the facts, and what are my assumptions? What do I need to know about the others involved? What am I really feeling? What part did I play?

Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean. Audrey Wachter

Do we really want to live with someone we’ve proved wrong? That doesn’t sound like fun, nor do endless arguments that can’t be won. Is there an answer to whether it is better to be a conservative or a liberal, a Christian, an atheist, or some other religion? Who has life harder, men or women? Who is treated most unfairly in life – pick your group, but will we agree on the answer?

We see life from our point of view, and how can we see it from anyone else’s point of view? Reading stories may immerse us in the lives of people and help us see things from their point of view or the author’s point of view. We listen to the news and different platforms slant the same story differently because they look at things through different lenses.

Sometimes in situations that don’t involve us, we pick a side and we see things from one side more than the other, and if our partner picks a different side an argument can ensue.

Is it possible to not take a side? A pox on both their houses and no one is right. Brene Brown tells us,” “We just have to be brave enough to reckon with our deepest emotions.” We have to let others reckon with theirs, without making them wrong for not thinking what we think, wanting what we want, or seeing things how we see them. But, it is so obvious that we are right we can’t even fathom how they can’t see it, and therein lies the rub.

When we can’t see how we could possibly be wrong we don’t leave space for anyone else to be right. Can we somehow find a way to give others the space to think what they think, be who they are, and realize they want things to be better too, even if their better isn’t what we think is better?

Be calm in arguing for fierceness makes error a fault and truth discourtesy. George Herbert

Raise your words, not your voice. It is the rain that grows flowers, not thunder. Rumi

Let the angry word be answered with a kiss. Thomas Hill

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Getting out of our comfort zone and finding passion and purpose.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

You can’t find your passion, thinking about it in your head. Marie Forleo

How long will it take…? It will probably depend on how often we practice, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

This weekend was the Toastmasters District Conference on Zoom. This was my first time being an author on Author’s Corner. There were four authors and in our own breakout room, visitors came to see us. What an interesting group of people came to talk to me, and so many people would like to write something, but they don’t have time, don’t know how to start, don’t know if they should, or like someone who visited me, has been entrusted with her father’s writings and is expected to do something with them.

It is a daunting process, and we make it more daunting by building it bigger in our minds than it is. We worry about publishing and how our writing will be received before we write it.

I listened to a valedictorian speech posted to YouTube on the weekend and he said he found out he was being considered to be a valedictorian candidate and so he worked really hard and won the honor. He felt so good for fifteen seconds, and then there was the sixteenth second when he thought of what he had given up to get the award, and it didn’t seem worth it. He didn’t have the experiences he could have had in his last year of high school because he was focused on an award.

It makes sense working toward an award hollows out the award, and what if you don’t get the expected award? What if he hadn’t known he was in the running for the valedictorian award and he got it? It probably would have been a better experience and the icing on the cake of a wonderful last year of high school. Don’t we love it when people are genuinely surprised when they win an award? Don’t we love it when something comes to us that we weren’t expecting?

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. Oprah Winfrey.

We expect to feel more from a big achievement, what we don’t realize often is the joy comes from the doing, and when the project is complete, so is the joy. This is why at the end of a project we need a new project to work on because if we don’t start something new we will feel empty, lost, and adrift. This is why when the heavy days of parenting are over, and the nest is empty we need something to pour ourselves into. Creative endeavors, volunteer work, and becoming involved in service organizations can give us passion and purpose. We learn by helping others that we also help ourselves.

If being part of an author’s corner were only about begging people to buy our books it might seem empty. But talking to people about a writing journey they might want to take, or about how writing expands our lives, and getting out of our comfort zone is where the growth is, it becomes a joy.

When we talk to someone that has done what we want to do it expands our horizons, if they can do it, why can’t we? There are so many resources for us to learn to do whatever we want to do. How long will it take to learn what we want to learn? That will depend on how much time and effort we put into it. Will it make us rich and famous? Probably not, but that isn’t where the joy is. If our goal is to be rich and famous that might be a hollow victory, but if our goal is to do what is in us to do and somehow through luck and serendipity, hard work and perseverance we get rich and famous, then that is just a fact of life and the fruit of our labor.

Is there something we want to do we haven’t attempted yet? What are we waiting for?

Look. You can’t plan out your life. What you have to do is first discover your passion – what you really care about. Barack Obama

If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you. To you and because of you. Alan Armstrong

If you feel like there’s something out there that you’re supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it. Wanda Sykes

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Creating the life we want by making small changes is easy to do, but also easy not to do. Nothing changes until we change what we do daily.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goh

If a change is easy to make it is easy not to make. How many of us have used the excuse not to do something because we don’t have enough time? Later we hear of people even busier than we were who did what we wanted to do.

Some people are fit and some people aren’t and the difference is our daily choices. I’ve been slacking on this front and if I don’t make time for fitness I won’t get the benefits, and this is not the time of life to let things slide.

This is the time of life to be all we can be, because what we are capable of as we age is not more but less, and the more we do, the more we are capable of doing. Sometimes I wonder if we even know what we are capable of before we do it.

There comes a point in our life when if we can do tomorrow what we could do today that is a successful day. I read last night about a high school football team that did really well one year and since many of their team was still with them the next year they had very high hopes. They told their coach they didn’t want to do all these training exercises and wind sprints, they wanted to play football. Their coach took them on a bus ride to a professional football team and showed them the professional team doing the exact same exercises. He told the team they could choose if they wanted to do the training, but he also told them this choice of doing the fundamentals to be ready to play the game would impact their life because we always have to practice the fundamentals of life to master anything we want to master.

Success leaves clues and one of the clues is practice, practice, practice. When we schedule our practice it fits into our schedule, but if we are waiting for the time to do it, the time goes and we didn’t take that walk, we didn’t have time for yoga, or the gym, but if we made an appointment to do something we did it. We need to make appointments with ourselves to get things done.

One of the realities in life is projects will eat up as much time as we let them. How efficient can we get if we put our minds to it? One of the ways to fit more into our life is to start our day earlier. Getting up earlier will do more for us than staying up later.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama

We’ve all heard, early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. The magic is not just in getting up early, the magic is in what is done with that time.

Last night I set my alarm to get up an hour earlier. The birds were singing as I walked downstairs. My goal is to finish my blog post and go for a walk before starting the rest of the day.

I’ve managed morning walks at various times in my life, and it is time to start enjoying them again. What other changes can I make so my life will be healthier, wealthier, and wiser?

As Jim Rohn says if you go for the walk, maybe you will eat the apple, and if you eat the apple, maybe you will do some exercises, and if you do the exercises maybe you will adjust your diet, and if you adjust your diet maybe you will read more books, and if you read more books, maybe you will tweak your finances, and on and on it goes creating a virtuous circle. But, what is easy to do is easy not to do, it is easy to quit getting up early, quit going for the walk, quit writing every day, quit reading every day, quit being creative every day, quit watching what we eat and a degenerating circle is started.

We always need to make adjustments in our life. My grandson is wonderful and I love spending time with him, but I have to be careful I don’t use him as an excuse not to do the things I need to do. I don’t want to miss spending this precious time with him, he’s only one once, but not getting up as early as I should isn’t because of him, and not getting as much writing done so I’m not on track to reach my goal is not because of him, even if I have been using him as an excuse. Any excuse will do if we want an excuse, and I’ve been looking for an excuse lately.

It’s time to bring back some discipline into my life. I’ve been slacking and the time to nip things in the bud is now. Spring is a great time to take stock of where we are and where we want to be. A few changes right now will get me back on track, but if I don’t do them now, I will get more and more off track.

Time to go, I have running shoes to lace up.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. John C. Maxwell

Procrastination will delay your change!!! Today is a very good day to change; don’t let you stop yourself from growing. Steve Harvey

By changing nothing, nothing changes. Tony Robbins

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Life is a series of decisions, if we don’t trust ourselves to make a decision we don’t go forward in life.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Trust the process, your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves. Tony Gaskins

On Saturday we had a lovely visit with an aunt and her sister. She met her great-great-nephew. How lovely it is to get together with family. Schedules clash and getting everyone together with everyone we’d like to attend often isn’t possible. My sister couldn’t be with us because she is on a trip out West to host a quilting retreat with my oldest sister.

We are planning a trip out to see Mom and do some sightseeing. With five adults and a baby to consider planning is challenging. There is so much to see and so little time but in the end, it will be a memorable trip and my daughter-in-law will get to see parts of Canada she’s never seen.

Life is all about choices and we have to narrow down our choices which means we can’t have and do everything. What sights and people would we like to see and what sights and people do we feel we must see? We make choices every day; do we go for a walk or write? Do we eat this or that, do we feel deprived, or satisfied with our choices?

Is living a well-lived life about making enough choices that build a good life, feed our souls and bodies, create good relationships and live our lives with passion and purpose? My daughter asked me to go for a walk yesterday but her son fell asleep when we were getting ready to go. I wanted to pick up a few things and one of them was a book so I spent more time in the bookstore when I got back she had gone for the walk. I missed the walk but I bought the book.

Earlier in the day we had a lesson on trust. My daughter was picking up something she saw in a local marketplace. When she contacted the seller he said he would be away on Sunday but she could pick up the item and leave the money in the mailbox. My daughter picked up her items and left the money in the mailbox.

We live in a world that works on trust. We are going to book a car rental and show up at an airport expecting a car and it will be there unless something goes wrong. We couldn’t make any travel arrangements if we couldn’t trust, and the car rental can be canceled almost until pick up. Life doesn’t operate on guarantees it operates on trust and those who don’t trust often miss out. We need to trust others to deliver on what they’ve agreed to, and we must trust ourselves that we can deal with what doesn’t work out, whether that is marriage, business, jobs, health, finances, or something else.

Changing our decision sets up a bad habit. It reinforces decision-making as an expression of bewilderment and ignorance, instead of wisdom and freedom. Sakyong Mipham

Life doesn’t come with guarantees, and if we must have a guarantee then we can’t do anything. Do we feel we live in uncertain times but haven’t we always? We probably have more certainty in our lives than we’ve ever had. We also have more choices, we might have more good choices, but we also might have more bad choices.

We have to be careful we aren’t so worried about not making the best choice that we don’t make any choice at all. How many people never found the perfect person to marry so they never got married, didn’t build a family, and life went on its merry way as it does and someday all our choices are behind us whether we made them or not.

There are writers out there waffling on whether to self-publish their books. They feel like a failure if they have to self-publish them and want validation from an agent and a publisher. I’m not sorry I went the self-publication route. Not because it has made me rich or famous, but because it moved the process along. I’m not still waiting, the decision was made, a process got put in place, and my books are out in the world and I’m working on new ones.

This time in 2020 none of it had been done except for writing, endless writing, and rewriting. At some point, we have to make a decision and I’m happy with mine because it made something happen. Instead of working on the same project for more years, new projects were started and finished.

We always have decisions to make and it might be tempting to put them off, we worry now isn’t a good time, but there comes a time when we do something or we don’t do it. We go forward or we become someone who wanted to do something instead of someone who actually did it.

Are there choices we need to make, and want to make, but are afraid to make? What are we afraid of?

There is no decision that we can make that doesn’t come with some sort of balance or sacrifice. Simon Sinek

Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong… To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done. Thomas Jefferson

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Living each day confronting our fears, achieving our dreams, and appreciating our blessings.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. Judy Blume

The spring flowers are starting to bloom and the days are warm enough for shorts. We are talking about a trip across Canada. Our son would like to rent a Tesla. We can dream of more places to go than we have time or money to travel. What if life wouldn’t be better if we didn’t have money or time constraints?

In art, we are told to use a limited palette, yet if people are like me they have tubes and tubes of paint colors and sets and sets of gel pens and markers. I bought the gel pen sets for my illustrated journals. I should have one illustrated journal but I go between separating my journals and jumbling everything together in one.

Can’t a journal document my days and live in the same book as the journal exploring art concepts, and exploring personal growth? They could, but I tend to have different journals for different things.

Does it matter how we document our life? I am sure some people have better practices than others, but the best one for us is the one we will do. Using expensive materials makes us think what we put on that canvas or paper has to be worth it. We can buy the materials to create an illustrated journal for a reasonable cost and experiment on the page with doodling, line drawings, pattern making, coloring, painting, and we may find when we put our thoughts on the page we have more understanding about what we think, what we want, and how we would like the rest of our life to unfold.

Drama in our lives can be a form of addiction, we don’t like it, but somehow all of our conversations end up in some form of drama. A journal might be a place to work out some of the angst in our lives. It also might be a place to set goals we aren’t willing to say out loud. We need to be okay with who we are, what we think, and what we want.

We can’t always articulate in words but we can pour our frustrations out on a page. Some people might even find it helpful to pour their frustrations out on a page and then destroy the page as a symbol of removing that angst from their life. Destroying the page is a symbol of forgiving themselves or someone else and going forward without that burden.

Often we imagine that we will work hard… arrive at some distant goal, and then we will be happy. This is a delusion. Happiness is the result of a life lived with purpose. Happiness is not an objective. It is the movement of life itself, a process, an activity. Ethan Hawke

Accepting ourselves how we are is not the same thing as saying we can never be more than we are at this moment. But, what do we think would make us better than we are? If we were richer, more attractive, younger, thinner, or is it if we are kinder, more generous, encouraging others, and finding a purpose greater than ourselves that helps someone?

What if only focusing on ourselves is part of the problem and becoming focused on others is where we grow? It might be why parenting is such a maturing experience. Life becomes all about the family, but families grow up and we need to let them live their own lives and make their own decisions and mistakes. What do we do with all that energy that used to go into our family?

Trying to create a superficially beautiful journal might not be as therapeutic as putting all of the messiness of our lives on a page. Only by trial and error will we find a style of journaling that suits us. We can use a limited palette on some pages and a wild abundance of color on others. No one is going to judge our journal unless we put it out to be judged. What is this excessive need for other people’s approval that seems to be part of our culture these days? If we are going to live our best lives, we can’t always be looking for approval.

Do we worry too much if something will be good enough, and if it isn’t perfect, or what others will think of it? We need to get out of our comfort zone to grow and develop ourselves, and we won’t know what we can do until we do it.

It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any. Hugh Laurie

The important thing is: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become. Charles Dickens

The thing I really want to emphasize is… when you have a dream, it doesn’t often come at you screaming in your face. Sometimes a dream almost whispers… it never shouts… So you have to, every day of your lives, be ready to hear what whispers in your ear. Steven Spielberg

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Document your days, celebrate your life, and discover things about yourself you might only be able to do by keeping a journal.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open. Natalie Goldberg

I’ve spent the weekend scribbling, drawing, and coloring with markers in my illustrated journal. There are some examples of beautifully illustrated journals on the internet, but I wonder if trying to make them too beautiful might not defeat their purpose. We lead messy lives and one of the problems we have in life is trying to make things seem more perfect than they are.

Our journal is a place, to be honest with ourselves; we can pour our heart and soul onto a page in words, art, or both. Sometimes it’s hard to find the words and a picture might let us get everything out, all that angst out on the page, maybe we want to color in the blank space, or maybe we don’t. This art is now called Neurographic Art and was developed by a Russian psychologist, artist, and architect, Dr. Pavel Piscarev in 2014. He has trademarked the name and developed some practices around it, but this is not new and many people have scribbled lines. He’s given it a name and to teach it you must be certified.

This is somewhat like Zentangles where the name is trademarked but the patterns are not trademarked they have been used in knitting, masonry, architecture, etc, throughout the centuries. What they’ve done is put them in a book, named and provided the steps to create them, which is very helpful because figuring out a complicated pattern is tricky.

In 2014 I picked up a book on Zentangles and they are great to add to an illustrated journal. Lines, circles, and dots create a pattern. Four patterns create a tile, but we can do anything we want with them, and combining Neurographic lines with Zentangle patterns seems like a winning combination. Someone is going to come along and trademark a name for that if they haven’t already.

Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the mental saw. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, insights, and learning promotes mental clarity, exactness, and context. Stephen Covey

Art is for all of us, and expressing ourselves on the page might be one of the best ways to sort out our feelings, fears, and goals, and to deal with the problems and challenges in life. Art isn’t only for those whose artwork will end up in a museum or gallery. It doesn’t need to be hung up on our walls, but it can be.

My son is talking about ChatGPT and it has been mentioned at Toastmasters as well. Some may think how great to have a computer program that will write a book and when I publish it will be purchased by millions. Most writers are not getting rich from writing and publishing books even when they are traditionally published. For many writers, the real benefit of writing a book was the journey of writing the book. Books change us and make us look at the world and our understanding of our place in it. The benefit of ChatGPT may be the questions we have to ask to get it to write what we want and coming up with the questions may be what is beneficial to us.

The benefit of art is in making it, expressing ourselves on the page, and when we keep that art in a journal we can look back on it and see our progress. The words and pictures will bring us back to that day. We think we remember everything about our life but I read my journals and I’m surprised by what is in them. There are events written about in my journal I don’t remember until the journal jogs my memory.

A written journal or an illustrated journal may be a way to examine our lives, we may get more out of life by looking for things to put into our journal, and we may live more fully, and drink more deeply from the cup of life. Does our life call out to be documented in some way? Isn’t this why we love taking photos? They can also be included in our illustrated journal, as well as other memorabilia that we can glue or tape in.

How do we document our lives, is there a new practice we would like to try? Is there an old practice we’d like to pick up again? Will keeping a journal help us to live well from the inside out? Will it change our lives in ways we can’t imagine?

In the journal, I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person” I create myself. Susan Sontag

Documenting little details of your everyday life becomes a celebration of who you are. Carolyn V. Hamilton

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. William Wordsworth

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Getting and giving, we need to get to live, but we need to give to grow.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill

It’s been an exciting week, our grandson turns one, and I was invited to give a presentation to a group that helps people heal after brain injury. The person that invited me is the leader of the Mississauga Writers Group, and I wondered what I could offer.

It came to me in an epiphany that an Illustrated Journal might be helpful. Writing helps us and art helps us so putting the two together into an Illustrated Journal might help as it documents our lives and is something we can hold in our hands. As we look over the pages we remember our days. It is a way to celebrate the everydayness of our lives, and our days are our lives. When we enjoy and celebrate our days, we enjoy and celebrate our lives.

They loved the idea and we are getting our proposals for courses out today. As they say, we need to strike while the iron is hot. The longer we take to implement an idea or opportunity that comes our way the more chance it will get away from us. We will begin to think it’s not such a good idea, why bother, they won’t be interested anyway, and we are putting all that work into it for what? It is easy to talk ourselves out of doing things.

If you’re not making someone else’s life better, you’re living yours wrong. Kushandwi Zoom

The other thing they are interested in is my involvement with public speaking through Toastmasters. The more we learn the more we can help others learn. Serendipity works in our lives, we might not be looking for an opportunity but it jumps into our lives and it is up to us to take advantage of it and see where it can go. How many people can we help if we do what it seems we are called to do?

It seems to me the people who lead rewarding lives are giving to the communities they are part of. One of my first bosses took me under her wing, she gave me “The Edible Woman” by Margaret Atwood to read, and I read it. She introduced me to community theatre. I think of her fondly especially now that I have time to be involved in community activities. She was an example of a woman living a well-rounded life, working, her daughter was grown, and she was involved in the community.

We have one life to live and we need to take the opportunities when they come, but we also have to know what is most important in our lives. If we get too busy outside the family, the family may suffer, but if we do too little, we may suffer by not being all we can be. Is there something we would like to do, that if we don’t do it might not get done?

It is never too late to be who you might have been. George Elliot

Create an environment where people can take risks. If everything has to be brilliant from the word go, you’re never gonna get off the ground. Paul Hewson, aka, Bono

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. John Wesley

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Marriage creates families, we need to be careful as we become in-laws, we don’t become out-laws.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Two amazing women can love the same incredible man in completely different ways. One is his wife, the other is his mother. Unknown

This weekend a friend co-hosted a bridal shower for her daughter and another friend and I helped out. We got together on Friday evening for pizza and salad, cutting fruit and my friend made meat flowers for the charcuterie board. On Saturday we were there early to help set up and being part of it was much better than just coming as a guest.

We don’t have a name for the mother-in-law’s relationship that I know of. In Punjab these two mothers-in-law are called Kumanies, in Hindi they are Samdhans, my friend said Compadre is a term she heard that is used to refer to the mother-in-law relationship. She is my Compadre, is nicer than she is my daughter’s-husband’s-mother. As mothers-in-law and fathers-in-law, we have a relationship.

We have many conversations in our house about what makes one a second or third cousin. As I looked into this I can see why we just go with first names, after all with different names from each culture, it is easier to just be the mother-in-law, or father-in-law, or just the in-laws, or sometimes the out-laws. Family relationships are fraught with drama and it is lovely when people get along as my friend and her Compadre appear to.

Interference, is the reason why in-laws are hated. Live and let the couple live. Sabeena Azeem

Our grandson turns one tomorrow, how time has flown by, my daughter-in-law came by yesterday and we discussed his birthday party we are having next week. We are lucky when the people are children pick as partners are wonderful and we have great relationships with them. If we get along with their families as well, it is even better.

Some families are contentious, and hard to get along with and nothing is ever good enough. I’ve been lucky to have lovely in-laws, and my son and daughter have in-laws they get along with. If we are lucky we will have a long relationship with our in-laws and our children’s in-laws. Once we share grandchildren the relationship is cemented for life. We can’t make people like us but we can do our part to be likable and not interfere.

Our family expands and we have more and more people to love. We might need to ask ourselves are we easy to love, do we offer help and advice that isn’t wanted?

American couples have gone to such lengths to avoid the interference of in-laws that they have to pay marriage counselors to interfere between them. Florence King

No one should come between you and your spouse, they should come alongside of you but not between you. Ashley Micilwain

In many of the stories, husbands who don’t stand up for their wives often end up destroying their marriages. Veena Venugopal

Thank you for reading this post. Please come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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