Happy New Year with all the promise it brings. Have you found your passion in life? Do you trust the magic of beginnings?

Have you found your passion in life? Do you trust the magic of new beginnings? Happy New Year with all the promise it brings.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

The best time for new beginnings, is now. Unknown

Yesterday my husband and I were watching an uplifting TV show. One woman built a cupcake business with the last five dollars she had, and the order for cupcakes from her neighbor across the street.

A woman lost 200 lbs in eighteen months and became fit and active after living her entire life overweight.

A man at seventy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and started painting fourteen years ago. He wanted to be an artist but his dean told him anybody could spit on a canvas and call it modern art. He calls himself The Parkinson Painter and his work sells upwards of $20,000. He’s also written a book, “Spit on A Canvas: The Journey of a Parkinson’s Painter,” by Norman Greenstein. He got a new lease on life when he took up painting. He could have thought what can I do, I have Parkinson’s. Instead, he says, “I only have Parkinson’s.” His message is simple: don’t give up – do what you can, and then do more.

There are inspiring stories everywhere of people taking their life in their hands and doing what they can. There are so many heartbreaking stories out there but aren’t we all inspired when people turn heartbreak into something good. They turn their scars into stars, what could keep them down they find a way to use to boost themselves up.

He didn’t start painting thinking he could sell his paintings for $20,000.00 he might not have thought any would ever sell. The woman with the cupcakes didn’t know the order from her neighbor was the beginning of an empire. The woman who lost 200 pounds didn’t know where her journey would take her and is looking forward to what the future brings.

The beginning of a New Year is a great time to start something new and set some goals. Often big accomplishments don’t start with a big goal; they start with a small decision and making a change in a new direction. Small steps lead to big things. We don’t need to know if picking up a paintbrush, lacing up our runners, or singing in a choir will take us somewhere. If we have something we have longed to do, something calling our name, some adventure we want to take, we can start where we are, take small steps, and see where it leads.

And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. Meister Eckhart

When we see someone trying something maybe we can place one of the first orders that boost them toward success. It isn’t about selling a painting for $20,000.00 although that is nice, it’s about painting and finding the joy in life. We are now hearing about Norman Greenstein and his success but he’s been painting for fourteen years. The cupcake business has been going for thirteen years. Where can we be if we put ten, fifteen, or twenty years into something?

And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been. Rainer Maria Rilke

Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing. Mandy Hale

Man is never alone. Acknowledged or unacknowledged, that which dreams through him is always there to support him from within. Laurens van des Post

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New beginnings have magic in them. Happy New Year with all the hope and promise it brings.

Happy New Year with all the hope and promise it brings. New beginnings have magic in them.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all. Josiyah Martin

For those of us that celebrate Christmas, it is over for another season, but the reason for Christmas is with us always. The reason for Christmas may not be the same for each of us, but it gives each of us something. Is it a lift in the midst of dark and dreary, hope for mankind, a time to meet, mingle, and connect with loved ones? Whatever it is we get from Christmas it happens because someone makes it happen.

Most gifts don’t magically appear under the tree although we are told some do. The biggest gifts are the gifts of the spirit, we are a little warmer at Christmas. We go out of our way for others and feel good about it. We are more generous, kind, and forgiving. Christmas brings out the best in us.

How does it feel for those who don’t celebrate? Do they get caught up in the hustle and bustle that takes over our lives and shopping malls? Do they get caught up in the gaiety and excess of Christmas? Even if we don’t all believe in Christmas a New Year is coming for all of us. We may not all recognize January 1st as the beginning of a new year but it is the calendar most of us follow. Aren’t we looking forward to a new year with all the hope and promise it brings? Who will we help on their journey this year, who will help us?

A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle. James Keller

A new year is a time to set goals, plot our course, and set our sails towards the future we hope to achieve. Do we have big dreams for this New Year or small victories we hope to achieve? Are we willing to speak our goals or keep them quiet? Sometimes we keep our goals to ourselves because we aren’t sure how to articulate them, are afraid of failure, or aren’t fully formed yet. It isn’t always important for others to know what our goals are as long as not telling others doesn’t keep us from going after them.

Some of us have goals that require a lot of work and commitment. We have to be willing to put in the work if the goal is to come to fruition. As long as we have control over moving toward a goal we can break it down into steps to make it happen. Sometimes our goal, dream, wish, hope, and prayer depend on the stars aligning. We don’t have any control over whether our children get married and start a family although for most of us this is one of our prayers, hopes, and dreams as parents.

Many parts of life are beyond our control but we have dreams, hopes, and prayers for them. As we go into this New Year our hearts are full of hope for health, happiness, abundance, and joy. Wishing you every joy in this New Year almost upon us.

Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. Carl Bard

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. Seneca

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. Edith Lovejoy Pierce

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Managing our communication? What do we say with our non-verbal communication?

What do we say with our non-verbal communication? Managing our communication.

Painting by Belynda Wilson thomas

Every day is a chance to change your life. Unknown

Do we say what we mean and mean what we say, or do we say what we think we should say but our body language gives the real message? Haven’t we all seen a blank look, a dismissive shrug, an averted gaze, or a roll of the eyes, and felt the impact of unspoken communication.? We give them as well and we hear experts talk about body language. Our nonverbal gestures can make or break our relationships.

I take my dog out for a walk and most of the time she walks along with no fuss, meeting and greeting dogs, or we let them pass, but every now and then there is snarling and barking. I never know what brought that on. Until they get to the snarling and barking it’s all non-verbal. We are the same; we aren’t warm and fuzzy with everyone.

How we make people feel brings out the best or the worst in them. When our smile brightens when we see someone we make them feel good, we feel good seeing them, and they feel good being seen. How are we to react to the people who are just there, we aren’t particularly glad to see them, or they us, they never offer much in the way of fun or laughs, we don’t connect on any level. It can be awkward if we connect with someone and have a warm relationship with one person and a cool one with another, what if we are the boss, the in-law, parent, or someone in authority that can make things happen?

How does it affect our families, workplaces, and schools when we have in-groups and out-groups? I’m reading a book called, “Micro Messaging,” by Stephen Young Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words. We know great leadership is beyond words, we’ve all watched families and wondered how they stay close and connected, their children feel loved and encouraged, and work hard to build lives they and their parents are proud of.

We see sports teams turn around with a new coach. We know they didn’t bring new skills; they brought a new attitude to the team. We pay a lot of money to people who bring out the best in others and turn companies around. We are looking for political leaders that give confidence to the country at large. We make judgments by what they say, how they say it, and who they surround themselves with, what looks come across their face when others speak. We want people to be congruent, that what they say is what they mean.

The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Albert Einstein

Are we congruent, do we say what we mean and mean what we say? In this book, a woman got help from someone and at the end of an email, it said. “You owe me big girl.” Being a woman larger than she liked she didn’t know how to take it. She thought they had an okay relationship but here it was in the plain text telling her she was fat or was it? She asked the woman who sent it, “If you were putting a comma in this sentence where would you put it?” The woman put the comma in, “You owe me big, girl.” When you put the comma there it says something different than how she originally took it.

Can we be misinterpreting and taking offense when none is meant? Are we offending others when we don’t mean to? I’ve been guilty of that. I am guilty of not looking at people who ask for money. I think it is a failing of mine, instead of acknowledging them and not giving them money, I don’t acknowledge them which wouldn’t cost me anything. Even if I do give money I think I often don’t look them in the eye. Am I pretending there isn’t a problem if I don’t acknowledge it?

We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge, and we only have the power to change ourselves. What if the power to drive change lies in the small things and not the big things? What if ants drive more change than elephants?

In Micro Messaging Stephen Young gives us ten tips to turn around problem relationships.

Actively solicit opinions.

Connect on a personal level.

Constantly ask questions.

Attribute/credit ideas.

Monitor your facial expressions.

Actively listen to all.

Draw in participation.

Monitor personal greetings.

Respond constructively to disagreements – one way is to ask a question.

Limit interruptions.

We can do this with any relationship without violating values or misrepresenting our opinions of others. Can we by using these tips unlock participation, creativity,  innovation, and make things better?

Be careful of your thoughts, they become words. Be careful of your words, they become actions. Be careful of your actions, they become habits. Be careful of your habits, they become character. Be careful of your character, it becomes your destiny. Unknown

One pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. Malala Yousafzai

True life is lived when tiny changes occur. Leo Tolstoy

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It’s a wonderful life, rich with possibilities. Are we trusting in the process of life?

Are we trusting in the process of life? It's a wonderful life, rich with possibilities.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

There is no wealth but life. John Ruskin

Does it seem like we are locked in Groundhog Day? An old Johnny Mercer – Harold Arlen song tells us to ‘accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch onto the affirmative, don’t mess with Mr. In-Between.’

Doesn’t it seem like Mr. In-Between is where we spend a lot of our life? Is this really a bad thing, isn’t this where real life is lived? Some people are either super happy or super sad and they don’t have in-between.

Is one of the problems we have in life finding balance? Balance can seem boring to those who embrace extremes and we have many people embracing the extreme. In our media-driven society, it is easy to compare our lives to someone else’s and find it wanting. We watch people put on a show and think their real life is so much more exciting, important, worthwhile, and impactful than our own.

As I write this I am listening to the radio talk about the number of young people not planning to have children. They prefer the life they can have without kids. I can see the appeal in that as they look at the drudgery, expense, and challenges parenthood entails. Most of what we accomplish in life even if we make it big at anything is the flavor of the day.

Some women work so hard to make good husbands that they never manage to make good wives. Anonymous

How many Presidents and Prime Ministers, even Kings, Queens, inventors, and authors do we know. They had their time in the spotlight, and time moves on. Family is what lasts; family is the contribution that impacts generations. How many of us may be prouder of our grandchildren than we are of ourselves? It seems to me as I wait to be a grandma that this is going to be a wonderful stage in my life made much more wonderful by the presence of grandchildren, and if I am lucky great-grandchildren.

Children are our tie to coming generations. If we don’t have children perhaps we are close enough to someone in the next generation as aunts, uncles, godparents, mentors, or friends.

When we can surround ourselves with loved ones our hearts are full and our lives are filled with laughter, funny stories are told, and escapades are recounted. This year we will have a small Christmas dinner as the kids will be spending time with the spouse and soon-to-be spouse’s families. We will all be together in the morning. Once our children get coupled up, there is another side pulling on them that gets consideration. We don’t have them all to ourselves anymore.

It is a great joy watching our children take their place, celebrate their milestones, and build their lives. As the sun sets on our generation it rises on another and round and round we go. The hopes and dreams of every generation are that life is better for the next. We have lived in such bounty and excess we may wonder how life could be better. We need to remember that during the dark ages they thought everything that could be known was known.

We don’t know what we don’t know, the exciting things ahead we may not be part of, or what we may glimpse before we go. Do many of us have a trust and control problem? If we trust others and give up control by trusting in the process of life, does life work out better?

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. G. Michael Hopf

When no one around you seems to measure up, its time to check your yardstick. Bill Lemley

There is no security in life, there is only opportunity. Anonymous

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Relationship Kintsugi mends the broken places with the gold of forgiveness and acceptance. Do you have a Kintsugi relationship?

Do you have a Kintsugi relationship? Relationship Kintsugi mends the broken places with the gold of forgiveness and acceptance.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. Bryant H. McGill

On Tuesday I went with a friend to our Horticultural Christmas meeting. We haven’t met in person for almost two years. We didn’t have any guests – not even a guest speaker, but one of the members put together a slide show of what’s been happening with the society and its plantings since 2019. A member was gifted a collection of garden books and brought in the ones she didn’t want, and they were on sale for a dollar.

Beautiful hardcover books, I bought four, and one of them is Tasha Tudor’s Garden. You may know who Tasha Tudor was but I did not. She was an eccentric children’s book illustrator who died in 2008. She was as famous for her eccentric way of living as her illustrating. She lived as if it was the 1830’s. She grew her own flax, weaving it into linen, she grew the wheat for her bread, milked goats, and according to reports was very self-sufficient. She chose to live this way, she was born wealthy, married, had children, divorced, remarried, and left an estate of two million dollars at age 92.

In a day I learned a lot about Tasha Tudor, she sounds like an amazing eccentric woman who lived life on her own terms. When she died she left almost all of her estate to one son and the other three children battled over the estate for two years coming to an agreement just before it was to head to court. It seems to me, one’s will is one way to put all of our children on an even footing. It might not be true that the one that receives the bulk of the estate was favored but it looks that way to anyone looking on and especially the other children.

Coming from a family where fairness was the order of the day. When we were given candies as a child each one got the same amount. When you come from a big family, parents have to work harder to be fair. If you put the chips or candies in a bowl the big kids would get all of it.

I don’t think wills are a time to equalize things between children. Betty did better in life so she doesn’t need anything, but Jimmy hasn’t so we’ll give it to him. All that does is destroy any relationship Betty and Jimmy have after you are gone.

People disappoint us. Tasha Tudor and Thomas Kinkade haven’t lived up to the way their life was portrayed. There is a cautionary tale for all of us, we can only control people’s perception of us to some degree and I understand one of the quotes Tasha Tudor quoted was Mark Twain’s, “We are all like the moon with a dark side no one sees.”

It is a good thing to realize that no matter how well we know someone we don’t know everything about them, even people we live with surprise us. We are much more complex, no one is all good, or all bad. We tend to idealize the famous as if they figured things out better than we have. We all struggle in life, we all have weaknesses and strengths, and there is not a perfect one among us. We do well to remember that no matter how much we think we know about someone it isn’t everything, and what we don’t know could surprise us and change our view of them. What we don’t know about ourselves can change our view of ourselves, and we have to forgive ourselves and others for not being perfect.

We do have a dark side, some call it our shadow, and some call it the devil. One of the problems with idealizing someone is we often don’t see or acknowledge all of them. Idealization is putting them on a pedestal, we don’t do well on pedestals, and when we fall off that pedestal which we probably will because we are human. Someone who only wanted perfect us may forever be disillusioned. Is it a bad thing to lose an illusion we never should have had in the first place?

No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be alone in this world, so judge less and love more. Unknown

Many of us are ashamed of our imperfections, we wish we were perfect, but the character doesn’t come from perfection. I think it comes from dealing with our imperfections in a positive way. When we say a smile, floor, or antique has character we mean it has flaws but is still beautiful. When we talk of people with character often they have overcome things in positive ways and this is how they developed character. They become strong in the broken places, they overcome adversity, and they get up more often than they fell down.

One of my favorite quotes is, “Perfection is enemy of the good.” We can be good people, parents, employees, business people, citizens, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, friends, but we will not be perfect and that has to be okay because it is what it is. We will always have problems in life if we can’t accept the reality of what is. If it is, then that’s what we have to deal with, not what we want to deal with, but what is there to be dealt with.

Growing up on a farm was a lesson in reality. The weather didn’t always cooperate, animals died, prices rose and fell. Mom and Dad always said anyone could make money on paper, but dealing with the realities that life hands you can eliminate that paper profit in a hurry.

One of the important lessons in life is to persevere because perseverance is what often leads to success. Talent is great, luck is nice, but perseverance is when you don’t give up when things aren’t going your way. Perseverance gets us through the hard times to the good times. There are always good times ahead, followed by bad times. If we can’t get through the bad, we don’t get to the good. If we only want people in our lives when we think they are perfect, when they are on the pedestal we put them on, they will not be part of our lives forever. Something will happen to shatter our illusion, an illusion we should never have had.

Are we okay when our prince becomes a frog, our princess becomes a nag, our passion becomes work, or our job becomes a drag? If we can’t live with the realities of life, we will become disillusioned and bitter, but if we accept ourselves and others, warts and all we will continue to see the beauty and character in others as they and we become antiques.

There is a practice called Kintsugi or Kinsukuroi (golden repair or joinery) the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy, this treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

This is a great metaphor for life and something we should do in our relationships. If we can mend our broken relationships we can make them even better and more valuable than they were. Perhaps this is why a golden anniversary is fifty years. By then any relationship has gone through many stages and if it has reached this stage the fractures are mended with gold. If we are lucky enough to have long relationships many of them are probably Kintsugi relationships, it wasn’t that there weren’t any problems, fractures, or brokenness, but that we mended them with the gold of forgiveness and acceptance.  

A relationship gets stronger when both of you are willing to understand mistakes and forgive each other. Unknown

Forgiveness is the oil of relationships. Josh McDowell

Whatever you’ve done before, accept it and let it go. You are not perfect. You are capable of making mistakes. Stop hiding from the shadows of the past. Don’t be trapped in the darkness of shattered memories. Let the light pass through and shine upon you. Forgive yourself because it’s the only way to start again. Unknown

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Is love the greatest power of all? Our choices shape our lives.

Our choices shape our life. Is love the greatest power of all?

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life. Albert Einstein

Is love the greatest force in the universe? Albert Einstein thought it was. The bible tells us it is.

My daughter and I decorated our Christmas tree yesterday and watched a movie “All Mine to Give.” In this 1957 movie based on a true story set in the 1850s, a Scottish immigrant family has six children and the parents both die. The mother on her deathbed tells 12-year-old Robbie, he is to find families for his brothers and sisters that have children so they won’t feel so alone, and to find a home for each one.

It’s Christmas Eve and they are allowed to spend Christmas together before the town steps in and deals with the orphans. He thinks of families he knows and how each of his siblings would fit into their life. A family with only sons might like a daughter.  One child plays the violin so he goes to the only family in town that has a piano.

The woman who has been an antagonist wants the baby and he lies and tells her she’s promised to another family in the next town ten miles away. He puts the little girl in a sled and walks ten miles to the next town and comes across a prosperous-looking house with children’s laughter coming from it and they agree to raise his sister. He is going to the logging camp to work, where he’s already a coffee boy on the weekends.

This was a real tear-jerker showing the importance of family, community, and people rallying together to build a life.

We all have a relentless yearning to attach and connect, to love and be loved. This relationship hunger is the fiercest longing of the human soul. Dave Earley

When we don’t live in small communities we may think this kind of rallying together doesn’t exist. That helping neighbors and stepping in doesn’t happen because we have agencies for that. They had orphanages then but the children did not want to end up in one and thought if they asked for a home on Christmas Day who would refuse them.

We are told that people individually will step up where they will not when they are part of a group. When we are part of a group we know someone else can do it and we are off the hook. We’ve had instances where things happened and the police should have been called, but they weren’t because everyone thought someone else would do it.

We may think people were better, stronger, and more resilient in days gone by. They did what they had to do and they based their life on faith. People are still doing what they have to do and basing their life on faith. People haven’t changed; circumstances and even expectations have changed. We still get to make better and worse decisions as we go forward in life. We can see and expect the best in people or the worst, and we can treat others with respect and dignity or not.

It seems to me the better we treat other people, the more respect and dignity we see in others, we also see in ourselves. We can focus on the negative or the positive and we each have both in our nature. We can see beauty and bounty, or lack and ugliness. We can look at life in the 1850s and think how wretched it must have been, and for some, it was, as is life now for some, but it was also full of beauty, love, family, optimism, and hope.

We all have access to the power of love, faith, and hope to build a community.

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. Margaret J. Wheatley

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention. Oscar Wilde

Community is a sign that love is possible in a materialistic world where people so often either ignore or fight each other. It is a sign that we don’t need a lot of money to be happy – in fact, the opposite. Jean Vanier

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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Scammers and con artists. Could we all have a moment of weakness when we are susceptible to a scammer?

Could we all have a moment of weakness when we are susceptible to a scammer? Scammers and con artists.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Unknown

Tis the season of scammers. I did not get one hundred thousand dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation even if a scammer tells you I did, and by applying and paying fees one hundred thousand dollars will be delivered to your door.

The CRS Canadian Revenue Service (scammer) regularly calls telling me my social insurance number is being suspended and I must act now. Amazon (scammer) is calling to say a computer has just been purchased. Border security (scammer) is calling to say suspicious packages are arriving at the border under my name. I get calls from banks (scammers) I don’t have accounts with, and Bell (scammer) wants to lower my bill because I’m such a good customer.

Years ago I got a call from a girlfriend who wanted me to loan her money to pay the fees so she could collect the inheritance from someone overseas. I declined. My husband regularly receives emails that someone with his last name died without a will leaving a large estate my husband could claim as a relative and they would split the estate. We’ve had the Nigerian Prince fax.

We’ve watched Dr. Phil where people are cat-fished by people who never arrive but still keep reeling the person they are cat-fishing in. How many planes does your girlfriend/boyfriend have to miss before you realize they don’t exist? “I know, it was such a shame I couldn’t make the last plane but I’ll be sure to be on the next one. If you could just send a few more thousand dollars, you really are a good person, and you know I love you.”

My sister tells me someone she knew was at the bank sending money to a grandson who told her he got in trouble, please don’t tell my parents, but I really need help. A teller realized what was going on before the money was sent.

People must lie awake at night thinking up scams. They must scan the web for pictures of universally attractive people and think people would fall in love with this one. The whitest looking very attractive man talks with a foreign accent but that doesn’t give it away. He always needs money, even though he is very rich, and never arrives for in-person visits you’ve paid for. When do you start thinking he doesn’t exist? Is life so lonely and boring that the excitement of the scammer in your life is worth the price? The scammer is telling you lies, asking for more and more money, but it’s better than nothing. At least on Dr. Phil they never seem to want the truth. The scammer is filling a void in their life.

We’ve always been told if something is too good to be true, it probably is. We want to believe in fairy tales and fantastical stores like someone really thinks we are beautiful, irresistible, or a sudden large windfall has come into our life.

I tell myself I am a “Reallionaire.” I’m good with reality; I can accept life as it is. Would I be an easy mark for someone if I were lonely? If they whispered sweet nothings into my ear and told me things I wanted to hear would I pull out my checkbook or e transfer to keep those sweet nothings coming?

We laugh when we hear about it happening, but scammers are successful because they are tapping into our hopes, dreams, and fantasies. We spend money all the time on potions, and things that promise what they can’t deliver. There wouldn’t be bad plastic surgery if people didn’t believe a fantasy. People are looking for the magical potion, the fantastical idea, and true love.

The basis of any scam is telling people what they want to hear. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Lee Child

Beauty and the Beast is a story as old as time, when we are young we might think we are the beauty, when we get older we might think we are the beast, and it is possible hot and beautiful could want us.

I hear about people divorcing in their later years and I wonder what are you thinking? Who do you think you are getting at this stage in life? Haven’t some of us had a good laugh over Jeff Bessos’ girlfriend drooling over Leo Decaprio? Isn’t there someone we all might drool over?

What if someone we would drool over called us up and was interested in us, and for just a few dollars we could live that fantasy? They would call us and whisper sweet nothings, tell us we are beautiful, they can’t wait to spend the rest of their lives with us, and to have sweet dreams, which we would, as we let the fantasy play over and over in our head. Someone wants us, someone loves us, and someone can see the beautiful, wonderful person that everyone else can’t see.

I can see the appeal of lies, beautiful lies. Real-life is often humdrum, but in our fantasies, anything can happen, when someone else is spinning that fantasy and knows exactly what to say to make our heart sing. Who would want that to stop? We buy lottery tickets for the dream, a fantasy we get to play every time we buy a ticket. Going on a first date is often about the fantasy which no living, breathing person can match so there isn’t a second date.

Beware of promises too good to be true. Scammers prey on our hopes, dreams, and fantasies.

So many girls, fall in love with the wrong guy simply because the wrong guy usually says all the right things. Unknown

Be wary of someone who has never failed, or seem to have no faults… Too good to be true usually is. Perfection hides something. Henry Cloud

Every mistake I’ve ever made started with “It’s too good to be true.” Unknown

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Groups are powerful. We are responsible for the groups we belong to.

We are responsible for the groups we belong to. Groups are powerful.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life. Amy Poehler

Being part of a group gives us a support system. We have people who are in similar situations to ourselves we can ask questions and hear other people’s experiences. This is why when we are a new mother joining a mother’s group is good. There are groups within industries, social groups, self-improvement groups, motivation groups, fitness groups, and art groups.

Groups are part of my life and I enjoy every group I am part of. One of the highlights of the horticultural groups was the garden tour. Where we would traipse through about six gardens and then get together for a potluck dinner.

The book club is one of my favorite groups. We will be getting together for dinner this week, after meeting over zoom for most of two years.

Toastmasters play a big role in my life. At a recent meeting, the third-place winner of the International Speech Contest showed up. Toastmasters is a group that changes lives because becoming comfortable as a public speaker pays dividends in our life, and when we find our voice we find ourselves.

Joining the writer’s group and being in the company of others who are already published or who also want to be published helped me move in the direction I wanted to go.

Whatever we want to do there is a group for that. When we join groups we realize we are not alone in our struggle, endeavor, or interest. We may have narrow interests or wide ones. Being part of a group challenges and encourages us.

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. Confucius

Of course, groups are not always positive, and they can get behind negative ideas as well as positive ones. We may not even realize when we are part of a group that is sliding into ideas that one day will be looked at in a negative light.

Agnes Campbell Macphail the first woman elected to parliament in Canada had a tie to eugenics. The aim of eugenics was to reduce human suffering by “breeding” out disease, disabilities, and undesirable characteristics from the human population. It sounds like a lofty goal but we know the dark side of eugenics.

Groups are great when they are positive and focus on the good, but they can also devolve into us against them. Group dynamics are such that unusual things can happen – both good and bad. Belonging to a group can make people more likely to harm others outside of a group. We have to make sure when we are part of a group we don’t lose touch with our own morals and beliefs.

Groups think, and mob mentality can take us in a bad direction. It may be hard to stand up for what we believe in a group. It may be easier to go along to get along than to stand alone.

There is power in groups, but wherever there is power it can be wielded in negative and positive ways.

Many groups that have the power to make life decisions for others don’t ever have to live out the consequences. Frances Fox Piven

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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Choosing the channel our life is set to. It isn’t the circumstances but how we view them that sets the tone of our lives.

It isn't the circumstances but how we view them that sets the tone of our lives. Choosing the channel our life is set to.

Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas

Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude. Roy T. Bennet

My son came down to my art studio the other day and was disappointed at my art process. He saw my lightbox for tracing and my reference material. We have an idea that if people are really creative they make things up. I’m painting a church. I didn’t make this church up, I’ve used reference material and I believe most artists use reference material, often even in abstracts. Then we moved on to talking about writing and how there are only a few plots that fit all stories.

In “Save the Cat Writes a Novel” by Jessica Brody based on the books by Blake Snyder there are ten plots.

Whydunnit, detectives, deception, and the dark side.

Rites of passage

Institutionalized, join em, leave em, or take em down.

Superhero, being extraordinary in an ordinary world.

Dude with a problem, surviving the ultimate test.

Fool triumphant, victory of the underdog.

Buddy love, the transformative power of love or friendship.

Out of the bottle, a little bit of magic goes a long way.

Golden Fleece, road trips, quests, and heists.

Monster in the house, more than just a scary story.

There you have it; every story ever told fits into one of those genres. There are also various types of compositions we can use in art. It isn’t originality that makes things great it is how we use what we know in writing, art, or creating anything that gives us our finished product.

What if life is much the same? In a book I’m reading, “A Course in Life” by Joan Gattuso, she asks what channel would we say we have our life tuned to. Are we tuned to the Discovery Channel, Playboy Channel, Suffering Channel, Heartache Channel, Poor Me Channel, Bad News Channel, They Don’t Treat Me Right Channel, Adventure Channel, Family Channel, Creative Channel, Horror, or Happy Channel?

Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Joshua J. Marine

What if just like TV we turn our life channel to what we want. On TV a walk in the woods on the adventure channel will be different than a walk in the woods on the horror channel. There is enough going on in the world that we can choose to focus on what is good or what is bad. When we interact with people do we remember the slights or the kindness we are shown? Do we look for what is bad, or what is good? Are we positive about the future? Do we focus on injustice?

If we focus on the good we can be called naïve, wearing rose-colored glasses, entitled, and that we don’t care enough about the problems others have. We can seem insensitive if we aren’t getting into the pit of despair but when we are all in the pit of despair, who is left to pull anyone out of the pit?

Jim Rohn said, “If we complain about everything and everything isn’t good enough, it’s all we have.” We have whatever circumstances we have in our life; we might not like all the choices before us. If we look at the circumstances, opportunities, and choices in our life like paint on a painter’s palette. What we do with that paint and those choices color the canvas of our lives. Will it be bright and pretty, dark and somber, mostly dark with a few bright spots, mostly light with a few dark spots? will it become something we can’t believe we created?

When we are painting it is intuitive, structured, happy little accidents, and unexpected results as colors play against each other. A good metaphor for life I think. We don’t control every facet of our lives; we don’t know what is coming, but our view on life, our mindset, this we have some control over. Wayne Dyer says, “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.”

What channel are we tuning our life to? Is there a better channel to choose? Did it ever cross our mind as Shakespeare says, “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so?”

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Stephen Hawking

Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw

Mindset is your rudder in the boat of your life. Shan White

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.

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