Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek. Barack Obama
Today is the last day of the old year. A New Year starts tomorrow. What will it bring? What great things will be accomplished? What new discoveries will be made? What will we learn? What will we do? What will we complete? What will we improve? What are the chances we will take, what fears will we face, and what challenges will we overcome?
This is our year, it will fly by fast like the last one did, but it will give us opportunities to grow, develop, live, love, change, be grateful and live in abundance.
We may not think we are living in abundance because our abundance doesn’t look like someone else’s. Every life is different. What do we want to accomplish? What do we need to feel happy, grateful, alive, loved, important, useful, and complete?
Are there small things we can do to improve our lives. One of the things I can do is get more sleep. Over the holidays I’ve been experimenting and no matter what time I go to bed at about eight hours I feel ready to get up. One of the best changes we can make in our life for our health is getting enough sleep.
Another thing I think we can do is cut off arguments at the start. If I can listen to someone’s complaint without becoming defensive it rarely becomes anything more. If I don’t put my two cents in, just let them say what they want to say, and in my own time roll over what they had to say. Trying to understand instead of seeking to be understood makes a big difference.
Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. Confucius
If we are going to learn anything it will be from listening, not talking. This year I’d like to become a better listener, even when it is something I don’t want to hear.
This year I’d like to walk more. I love walking, my husband loves walking, my dog loves walking and so do my son, daughter, son-in-law, and my son’s girlfriend. We’ve gone on hikes with all of them; I’d like to do more of that.
I’d like to streamline our meals and bring in more vegetables and salads. The greener we eat, the leaner we get, or so I’m told.
This year I’d like to read more. Read for fun, knowledge, and enlightenment. It would be great if our book club meets more regularly. We have our January date tentatively set. It works best when we set a date and everyone tries to make it but the meeting goes on even if someone can’t attend.
This is the year to finish editing and putting my novel out there. My son keeps telling me about the 80/20 rule and to quit obsessing about perfection, get it done, get it out there, and move on to the next book. He’s right but going through it with Pro Writing Aid is illuminating and will leave me with a much better book to hand off to a professional editor and then I will have to say okay, here it is.
Whatever we want to do in the New Year we won’t know how it will work out unless we actually do it. Diet and exercise make us healthier, but only if we do it. We don’t need to do things perfectly we just have to keep doing them day after day, after day. One day we won’t even think about not doing them, they will be a habit, a habit that will enrich our lives. Then we can turn to the next thing and turn that into a habit.
If we do this enough times we have healthy habits that build a healthy life. Health will always be our greatest wealth. If we are lucky, make good choices, and develop good habits, we can die young at a ripe old age.
Here’s to a great New Year filled with possibilities, challenges, changes, risks, rewards, facing our fears, reaping the benefits of fully living, and loving in gratitude and joy.
What would we do if we knew we could not fail? What habit would we develop if we knew it would lead to greater health? What change would we make if we knew it would lead to greater love in our relationships?
Are we the change we need to see in our lives?
Can we make this coming year the best one yet?
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. C. S. Lewis
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature. Edmund Burke
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.
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