Painting by Belynda Wilson Thomas
A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. Cardinal Mermillod
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and for a lot of families, this will be a very different Mother’s Day than they are used to. A pot of flowers left on the front step after not seeing our Mother for weeks is better than nothing. A phone call may have to suffice instead of a hug and a lovely breakfast, brunch, or dinner.
Maybe someone has set up a Zoom call where everyone in the family can participate. That is a lovely idea and if Mom had a computer and internet I’d try and set one up. Some people may do a drive-by parade.
A community group has made quilts and is giving one to every mother in a nursing home. What a lovely idea.
Mother’s Day with Mom is always a phone call so for me there is no change. Maybe during this difficult time, we are making an effort to make people we can’t see feel more loved. Could some people feel more loved and less taken for granted now, than they did before because we are making more of an effort?
“My children are my life,” my mother once said. She was in a difficult situation widowed with two children and a brand new baby.
My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges, and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. Jodi Picoult
Isn’t that the true statement of motherhood? “Our children are our life.” It is why when the worst happens and parents lose a child we feel a pain in our heart. They are going through what we can’t imagine we could get through.
We are connected to our Mothers with a connection we cannot have with any other. If we are lucky it is a strong, deep connection for a very long time. If all they gave us is life, it is a gift we could get no other way
Many people wish and long for the kind of Mother I am blessed to have. Looking back on my childhood it seems idyllic, like a Rockwell painting. When we grow up feeling truly loved we are blessed. We have been given a foundation to build our life on that is strong.
Nothing about Mom’s life has been easy but I think it has been a very good life. She did the best she could with the circumstances as they presented. When we face hard times the choices we make will make things better or worse. If we start making bad choices our lives can slip from bad to worse and from temporary setbacks, to situations we may never recover from. When we are resilient we recover from hard times with grace stronger than before. Mom’s generation faced many hardships they overcame with guts and determination, they built strong families and they never expected life to be easy. If there is a generation that can say they lived through the best of times and the worst of times I think it would be theirs.
It is lovely to see older women with their children and grandchildren. There is a warmth that is palpable coming from them as they interact with sons, daughters, granddaughters, and grandsons. We don’t have to ask if they came from a loving home, it is evident. I don’t mean perfect. What is a perfect mother or a perfect parent?
Our Mother did the best they could, with what they had, most of the time. They gave us the strength to go forward and build our lives. They gave us the courage to create our own families and bring forth another generation. The torch has been handed to us and it is our turn to be the example of what a mother should be and what a grandmother should be. We are the matriarch in our families.
Our Mothers taught us how to love. No matter where we are in our lives our Mother remains important to us. We never outgrow the desire to be loved and it is why solitary confinement is considered the cruelest of punishments.
If we are lucky enough to have our mother in our life we are blessed. If we can call her, hug her, or connect with her in some way we feel loved. Our mothers provided the foundation of our life, it is up to us to build something great on it and provide the foundation for the next generation. Have a Happy Mother’s Day.
The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation. James E. Faust
Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything. Unknown
Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind. Kahil Gibran
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you will come back and read some more. Have a blessed day filled with gratitude, joy, and love.
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Love You Forever Kindle Edition
by Robert Munsch (Author), Sheila McGraw (Illustrator) Format: Kindle Edition